5 Best Day Trips From Amsterdam By Train

Amsterdam is a magnificent city to visit. There is so much to see and do here that you will probably never get bored. However, it would still be great to mix things up. That is because Amsterdam is a great starting point for several amazing day trips.

So, if you want to go on some of the best day trips from Amsterdam, you have to choose the right place. In this article, we will cover the top five day trips you can take from Amsterdam. Also, we will give you all the information you need on and how to reach these places by train. By the end of the piece, you will have everything you need to start an incredible adventure from Amsterdam!


1. London: One Of The Very Best Day Trips From Amsterdam!

When deciding to go on a day trip from Amsterdam, most people opt for anything in the vicinity. What comes to mind are cities in the Netherlands, Belgium, and maybe Germany. However, they rarely decide to go to London.

In our opinion, this is one of the very best day trips from Amsterdam you can take. Why? That is because this day trip is often overlooked. For that reason, you can have a unique experience without the hassle of too many tourists crowding your space.

On top of that, London is a massive city with a lot of exciting things to see and do. Plus, it is full of history and marvelous architecture. If not all of that, you will also get the chance to pass beneath the famous English Channel.

If you decide to go, here is a little info you need on the train ride. It takes around four hours to reach London via train. It is a bit longer, but as many people travel to equally distant areas from Amsterdam, it is more than feasible. All you need to do is start early and return late, and you will end up having an entire day in London.

Amsterdam To London Trains

Paris to London Trains

Berlin to London Trains

Brussels to London Trains

London Best Day Trips from Amsterdam


2. Bruges: Where The Fairy Tale Begins

We all know that the beauty of Amsterdam mainly lies in its canals and architecture. However, did you know that all of that exists in Bruges, Belgium? After all, it is Bruges they call the Venice of the North, not Amsterdam!

What is more, Bruges not only has all of that but is one of the best fairy tale towns in all of Europe. That makes a trip there one of the best solutions for your day trips from Amsterdam.

If you decide to go to Bruges, you will get the chance to marvel at some of the most beautiful medieval buildings in all of Europe. And if that were not enough, Bruges boasts some of the most delicious handmade chocolate!

When going from Amsterdam to Bruges, you can easily go by train. The whole trip is very cheap, and it will take you less than three hours to reach the magical town.

Amsterdam to Bruges Trains

Brussels to Bruges Trains

Antwerp to Bruges Trains

Ghent to Bruges Trains

Bruges: Where The Fairy Tale Begins


3. The Hague: You Cannot Miss It!

Out of all the day trips from Amsterdam you can take, Hague is one that should not be missed. The main reason for it is the fact that Hague is one of the most important cities in the Netherlands. It is also one of the most beautiful.

One should not need any more reasons for visiting. However, if you want to know more, you should be aware that the Hague is very close to Amsterdam. The train ride only takes around an hour and is extremely cheap.

The Hague is the seat of government in the Netherlands, so you can expect to see a lot of impressive buildings. The city is also the location of the International Court of Justice, which is another must see place.

In the end, when you reach the Hague, make sure to visit Madurodam. It is a miniature park you will most definitely adore.

Brussels to The Hague Trains

Antwerp to The Hague Trains

Ghent to The Hague Trains

Brugge to The Hague Trains



4. Cologne: An Often Missed Gem Of Germany

Germany is a country filled with many amazing cities. However, rarely do people consider most of them for one of their day trips from Amsterdam.

Even though that is the case, Germany is still worth visiting. That is especially true if you decide to go to Cologne, an often forgotten gem of West Germany. The magnificent city lies on the banks of the equally magnificent Rhine River. What is more, Cologne is the center of economy, culture, and tourism of West Germany.

If you decide to go to this marvelous city, you will have thousands of years of history to admire. In the very center of the city lies a massive cathedral. It is one of the most stunning places of worship you will get to see in all of Europe.

The good thing about Cologne is that it is only around three hours away via train. So, if you decide to go there for a day trip, you will reach the city in no time.

Berlin to Aachen Trains

Frankfurt to Cologne Trains

Dresden to Cologne Trains

Aachen to Cologne Trains

Cologne: An Often Missed Gem Of Germany


5. Day Trip To Paris From Amsterdam: What More To Say?

Train trips from Amsterdam to Paris used to be very long. However, as of late, they only last around three hours, making Paris a perfect destination for one of your day trips from Amsterdam.

Famous for its art museums, architecture, and cuisine, Paris is one destination that needs no introduction. There is little to be said about this famous city that could further romanticize it or entice you.

From the Eifel Tower to Versailles, Paris is filled to the brim with places to visit and things to do. The city of light is the most popular destination in the whole world, and we all know why. So, do not waste your time reading about it and just go there!

Amsterdam to Paris Trains

London to Paris Trains

Rotterdam to Paris Trains

Brussels to Paris Trains

Paris Best Day Trips from Amsterdam


The Bottom Line

These five best day trips from Amsterdam are sure to make your vacation unforgettable, and because they are all easily reachable by train, you have no excuse not to visit when you are in Europe!


And, if you have any questions, feel free to contact Save A Train!



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