Top 10 Slow Cities In Europe

Traveling is a great opportunity to unwind and reconnect to yourself, and what better way to do it than in one of the top 10 slow cities in Europe. In case you didn’t know, in 1999 started the movement of slow cities, Cittaslow in none other than Italy, celebrating the dolce vita. Since then, many cities across Europe have joined in the celebration of the laid-back, close-to-mother nature of good life living.

1. Top Slow Cities In Europe: Silly, Belgium

The land of medieval towns, river valleys, and green meadows. Silly is famous for its easy-going nature and relaxed way of life. In addition, the French-speaking town offers excellent cycling paths and hiking trails through historic castles and chapels.

One of the top things that define Silly as a slow city it’s the importance of culture and heritage. Silly is built around a medieval castle, with old stone alleys and forests around it. Away from the harm of a fast-paced world, you can barely see the history behind the forest of tourists.

Amsterdam to London Trains

Paris to London Trains

Berlin to London Trains

Brussels to London Trains


10 Slow Cities in Europe


2. Midden-Delfland, Netherlands

Between Rotterdam, and The Hague, 2 of the most visited places in the Netherlands, Midden-Delfland is the first slow city in the Dutch country. This small patch of green, unique fresh foods, and charm was the first to reclaim the title “Slow City” in the Netherlands.

So, if you are looking for a serene destination to escape from hectic Rotterdam, Midden-Delfland will be a piece of sanity and beautiful living. In addition to exploring this slow city’s countryside, travelers can explore and taste local cheese, honey, and grape. This way, travelers get to learn about the local way of life in Midden-Delfland and experience sustainability, and become smart travelers who will share other stories of eco-travel.

Brussels to Amsterdam Trains

London to Amsterdam Trains

Berlin to Amsterdam Trains

Paris to Amsterdam Trains


Peaceful Landscape of a lake


3. Top Slow Cities In Europe: Cortona, Tuscany

In the rolling hills of Tuscany, the town of Cortona is the ultimate example of a slow city in Europe. Thus, you could be resting under the Tuscan sky, or in the vineyards of Chiana Valley with the views of Lake Trasimeno. This amazing scenery is just 2 hours from Florence, one of the most popular Italian cities.

So, Despite the proximity geographically, Cortona’s atmosphere is completely different from its neighbors. Protected by the great city walls from Roman times in the narrow streets of the city you can learn of fortifications and life in the Etruscan past.

Milan to Rome Trains

Florence to Rome Trains

Venice to Rome  Trains

Naples to Rome Trains


Slow City Lifestyle Inner courtyard


4. Enns In Austria

Austria’s oldest town is tucked away amidst ancient forests. Behind Renaissance and Baroque facades, a tower, and impressive walls, ancient Enns is the epitome of a slow city. Well-sheltered from the modern world stresses the people of Enns protect the history and magic of their sleepy town.

Therefore, if you want a relaxing holiday then Enns is a fantastic destination. Furthermore, a picnic on a lazy afternoon by the Danube will make your trip complete. The city that is located in Upper Austria will lift your spirits up to a new level of divine living.

Munich to Innsbruck Trains

Salzburg to Innsbruck Trains

Oberstdorf to Innsbruck Trains

Graz to Innsbruck Trains



5. Top Slow Cities In Europe: Biskupiec, Poland

Part of the Masurian Lake District, Biskupiec is a lovely city in Poland that preserves slow city life. The well-preserved wild nature around the lake district demonstrates that Biskupiec values life, healthy, and eco-friendly, in contrast to the hectic lifestyle in the big cities.

Furthermore, you should check out Zatorze, the culture center of Biskupiec. This way you can learn more about the city’s vision and how it maintains a slow way of life. In addition, Biskupiec has some great cafes and bars where you can try local cuisine.


Colorful Buildings Slow City In Poland


6. Mendrisio, Switzerland

Located in the Southern region of Switzerland, Mendrisio’s rich heritage, agricultural treasures, and nature place it in one of the top 10 slow cities in Europe. The natural splendor of parks and gardens that can be explored on foot, or by cycling, are great examples of the environment-aware community in the town of Mendrisio.

In addition, Mendrisio is home to a few world heritage sites, like the three churches, and six palaces. So, if you wish to take a break from sipping wine from the local vineyards, you could head out to explore the Church of S. Martino or the mosaics of S. Maria in Borgo.

Interlaken to Zurich Trains

Lucerne to Zurich Trains

Bern to Zurich Trains

Geneva to Zurich Trains


Winery In Switzerland


7. Abbiategrasso, Italy

Abbiatergrasso is another hidden gem in Italy, in the gorgeous Ticino Valley. Also, a member of the slow cities’ movement, Abbiatergrasso is just 22km from the capital of fashion, Milan.  In contrast to Milan, Abbiatergrasso offers a quiet atmosphere in the Ticino valley nature reserve.

In addition to birds singing, travelers will enjoy visiting a castle, and churches. The lovely villas by the rivers are another fantastic idea for a day out in Abbiatergrasso. This picturesque scenery demonstrates the slow-paced lifestyle in Abbiatergrasso, creating the perfect setting for making great local foods like the renowned cheese of Gorgonzola.

Rimini to Verona Trains

Rome to Verona Trains

Florence to Verona Trains

Venice to Verona Trains


Tiny Peaceful Street in Italy


8. Hodmezovasarhely, Hungary

Another great example of 10 slow cities in Europe is Hodmezovasarhely. It has a great resource of natural thermal water that runs to the urban open-air bath. This natural wonder attracts travelers from all over the country, and the world – all wish to soak in the waters and its serenity. In addition, Hodmezovasarhely is home to many great churches, museums, parks, and landmarks for those that want to learn about history and cultural heritage.

However, if you wish to spend a magical time in nature, then you are in luck because Koros-Maros National Park is close by. You can easily reach it on foot, with a picnic basket for a memorable picnic amidst the blooming chamomile.

Vienna to Budapest Trains

Prague to Budapest Trains

Munich to Budapest Trains

Graz to Budapest Trains


Chamomile Blooming


9. Top Slow Cities In Europe: Creon, France

The slow city Creon in France has an idyllic location, between Dordogne in the north and Garonne in the south. The green scenery and ancient castles make Dordogne one of the most unforgettable places in Europe.

Moreover, travelers will find the surrounding vineyards and hills perfect for toasting to La Vie en Rose. So, with a little over 4000 residents and plenty of beautiful spots to unwind, Creon is as slow as it gets, and amazing for holidays any time of year.

Amsterdam to Paris Trains

London to Paris Trains

Rotterdam to Paris Trains

Brussels to Paris Trains


Top 10 Slow Cities in Europe


10. Ludinghausen, Germany

Ludinghausen is a three-castle town founded in the 13th century. Vischering Castle, Kakesbeck castle, and Ludinghausen castle are 3 of the most amazing castles in Germany you should visit on one of the great cycling routes in the area.

In addition to its great history, the village of Seppenrade in Ludinghausen has a magical serene atmosphere. Travelers to this slow city will enjoy wandering the rose garden, the green spaces, and doing great outdoor activities.

Offenburg to Freiburg Trains

Stuttgart to Freiburg Trains

Leipzig to Freiburg Trains

Nuremberg to Freiburg Trains


Cotswolds England countryside River


Here at Save A Train, we will be happy to help plan a trip to the top 10 slow cities in Europe. Nothing can compare to starting a relaxing holiday like a comfortable train journey to your destination.



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