New EU Rail Regulations: Better Protection for Passengers

Are you a train enthusiast or someone who loves exploring new destinations by rail? Well, we have exciting news for you! The European Union (EU) has recently unveiled comprehensive regulations to enhance rail transport. These new rules prioritize better protection for passengers, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable travel experience for all. Finally, in this article, we’ll delve into the details of new EU rail regulations and how they will positively impact your train journeys.

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Understanding the New EU Rail Regulations

To begin with, let’s gain a better understanding of the new EU rail regulations. EU developed these regulations to enhance rail passengers’ rights and foster a seamless travel experience. The rules cover various aspects of rail travel, ranging from passenger rights and accessibility to data sharing among rail operators. Hence, by implementing these regulations, the EU aims to elevate railway transportation’s overall quality and efficiency, resulting in a win-win for all travelers.

Amsterdam to Paris Trains

London to Paris Trains

Rotterdam to Paris Trains

Brussels to Paris Trains


New EU Train Regulations


Force Majeure Compensation Policy

Previously, train passengers in Europe could demand monetary compensation amounting to 25% of the ticket price for a train delay of more than an hour and 50% for a delay of more than 2 hours. Now, companies will be exempt from these payments if the reason for the delay is a force majeure. This includes everything that railway operators cannot control — for example, storms, floods, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, pandemics, and so on. If a company objectively cannot prevent a train delay or cancellation under exceptional circumstances, passengers should not expect compensation of 50% or 25%. However, companies must still redirect passengers to other trains or refund the ticket if the trip cannot be organized.

Meanwhile, it is essential to note that strikes are not considered force majeure. If a strike causes passengers to be stranded at the station waiting for a train, the company is responsible for ensuring its customers reach their intended destinations. Compensations for delays must remain in effect.

Brussels to Amsterdam Trains

London to Amsterdam Trains

Berlin to Amsterdam Trains

Paris to Amsterdam Trains


Self-Rerouting and Compensation for Delays

One of the notable provisions of the new EU rail regulations is the introduction of self-rerouting. In the event of a journey delay, if the rail company fails to offer a solution within a reasonable timeframe (typically 100 minutes), passengers have the right to take matters into their own hands. Passengers can independently change their route by purchasing tickets for another train or bus. The rail company must reimburse the new ticket cost, ensuring passengers reach their destination smoothly, even during delays. However, it would be best to consider that the expense should be genuinely “necessary and reasonable,” so riding in a VIP option at the cost of the delayed carrier will not work.

Salzburg to Vienna Trains

Munich to Vienna Trains

Graz to Vienna Trains

Prague to Vienna Trains


Railway Timetable

Data Sharing and Improved Ticket Options

Real-time traffic and travel data sharing among rail operators enhance the travel experience. The new regulations aim to foster greater competition among rail operators. They do this by encouraging information exchange about train schedules, occupancy rates, and delays. Moreover, travelers can expect more attractive ticket options due to this increased competition. It will give them a more comprehensive range of choices and increased flexibility when planning their train journeys.

As a result, the newfound cooperation and data-sharing mechanisms among rail operators can potentially create a ripple effect of positive changes throughout the travel ecosystem. As rail travel becomes more convenient and versatile, it may encourage more people to choose trains over other modes of transport, ultimately contributing to reduced traffic congestion, lower carbon emissions, and a more sustainable transportation future.

Interlaken to Zurich Trains

Lucerne to Zurich Trains

Bern to Zurich Trains

Geneva to Zurich Trains


Summer Solo Train Traveling

Improved Accessibility for Passengers with Reduced Mobility

Under the new EU regulations, rail companies must prioritize the needs of passengers with reduced mobility. They must ensure their journeys remain uninterrupted and hassle-free, even during disruptions. This means that individuals with disabilities or mobility challenges can expect improved accessibility and assistance when traveling by train. These regulations empower passengers, allowing them to embark on their journeys with confidence and peace of mind.

According to the new EU rail regulations, if a passenger with reduced mobility needs assistance, they can request to travel exclusively with companions. In this case, the companion is entitled to a free ticket and a seat next to the person they are assisting. Requests for assistance under the new rules are accepted up to 24 hours before departure. This is an excellent advantage for the train industry because bus companies require notification no later than 36 hours in advance, while air and water carriers require it 48 hours in advance.

Frankfurt to Berlin Trains

Leipzig to Berlin Trains

Hanover to Berlin Trains

Hamburg to Berlin Trains


Empty Train Station Platform


Sustainability and comfort

The EU’s commitment to sustainability is evident in the new rail regulations. The EU promotes rail transport as a greener alternative, aiming to reduce carbon emissions and contribute to a greener future. With these regulations in place, the EU encourages passengers to choose trains over other modes of transportation. This fosters sustainable travel habits and supports environmental conservation efforts.

Furthermore, bicycle enthusiasts also received strong encouragement and support. The exciting news is that the new trains and upgraded carriages will include dedicated bicycle spaces. These spaces are mandatory, meaning they must be available. Therefore, if you’re a bicycle lover, these specially designated areas will make your train travel even more bicycle friendly.



The Conclusion at New EU Rail Regulation

Indeed, implementing new EU rail regulations signifies improving rail travel for passengers across the continent. It demonstrates the recognition of railways’ crucial role in connecting communities, promoting tourism, and fostering economic growth. The EU’s efforts in enhancing passenger rights and ensuring a smoother travel experience exemplify their dedication to creating a reliable and customer-centric rail network.

In conclusion, the new EU regulations for rail transport mark a significant step forward in prioritizing passenger protection and enhancing the travel experience. These regulations aim to make train travel more convenient, efficient, and enjoyable for all. They include improved accessibility for passengers with reduced mobility. Another positive change is the introduction of self-rerouting. Additionally, increased competition among rail operators will benefit travelers. With these progressive measures in place, passengers can confidently embark on their train journeys. Their rights are protected, and their travel experience is a priority. The EU’s commitment to elevating the quality of railway transportation reflects its vision of a sustainable and passenger-centric future. All aboard for a smoother, more delightful rail travel experience!


A Great train journey begins with finding the best tickets on the most beautiful and comfortable train route. We at Save A Train will be delighted to help you prepare for a train trip and find the best train tickets at the best prices.



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Everything You Need To Know About Traveling In Europe

Suppose you are planning to visit the European Union any time soon. In that case, there is a series of tips and crucial information that will help to make your experience far more enjoyable. One could think that there cannot be a really big difference in the considerations necessary to travel to Europe in comparison to any other place in the world.  Still, within the vast extension of it, there is a series of legal papers you could need to get into Europe as a tourist. Also, very different climates, quirks, and cultural particularities are essential to keep in mind there.


1. Traveling To Europe: Grab Ahold Of  Your Passport

The passport is the primary concern since it will be your presentation card and the key to your receiving country. We will take care of the passport first. Your government of precedence determines which countries you’ll be able to get into without having to process any kind of special paperwork. It is always best to check if your home and destination embassies have sustained diplomatic relationships or a treaty at the time you travel. Most countries from America and Southeast Asia have uncontrolled access to most of the countries in Europe.

Having said this, if that’s not the case; get a legal trip advisor that can guide you while processing your travel permits. You could also need health certifications and such to be granted access. If you like to drive while abroad, you will also need an international driver’s permit. If you plan to do business, there may be many other international permits required to travel. You can check which paperwork is needed according to your traveling intent at the receiving country’s government website.

Lyon to Toulouse With A  Train

Paris to Toulouse With A Train

Nice to Toulouse With A Train

Bordeaux to Toulouse With A Train


Bring Valid Passport When Traveling In Europe


2. Learn To Pack Accordingly

Europe is a big and varied continent, from the sunny Andalucia beaches in Spain to the snowy eastern Tundra. It is critical to pack with the climate in mind and the activities you’ll be planning to do abroad. Remember that you are not packing to move out of your country, don’t take too much or little; this will make you lose less time picking clothes up, help you on the way to the airport, and even save you money by avoiding an overweight fee. Is best to organize your travel bag or suitcase army style, rolling your pants, shirts, socks, and underwear like a croissant and place them all thick against each other. This avoids the hassle of folding your clothes and saves you space to fit hygiene products or electronics. This tip is also useful if you are looking to bring clothes that you bought on the trip. Another good piece of advice is to pack an extra bag for your gift or shopping objects.

Amsterdam to Paris With A Train

London to Paris With A Train

Rotterdam to Paris With A Train

Brussels to Paris With A Train


Pack Accordingly When Traveling To Europe


3. Traveling To Europe: Let Your Banks Know You Will Be Abroad And Spending

The credit card hacking rampage that occurred a few years ago made banks too wary of the risk. It led them to establish a block first ask later policy when they see a credit card being used in a random country. You must show up in-person to your bank or give them a call since online notifications sometimes don’t get taken into account. Taking this provision will avoid harmful and embarrassing experiences while shopping. If you go to the bank it is also a good idea to get some local currency while you are there. Exchange fees are absurdly inflated for tourists in most of Europe’s shops and exchange points.

Salzburg to Vienna With A Train

Munich to Vienna With A Train

Graz to Vienna With A Train

Prague to Vienna With A Train


Let Your Banks and credit card companies Know You Will Be Abroad And Spending


4. Traveling To Europe: Recapitulating

If you’re going to the “Old Continent,” remember to bring your documentation with you and pay for any kind of international permits required. This kind of paperwork is essential if you plan to visit different countries within the European legislation. If you’re planning a road trip, it is necessary to have an international driver’s permit and avoid bookings. Also, remember to pack lightly and to take into consideration the climate and activities you will endure abroad. Always report in which countries you plan to spend money on and make currency exchanges only with authorized entities. Lastly, you’re getting in contact with different people, foods, cultures, don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the experience.

Dusseldorf to Munich With A Train

Dresden to Munich With A Train

Nuremberg to Munich With A Train

Bonn to Munich With A Train



Here at Save A Train, we will be happy to help you plan an unforgettable trip to across Europe or China by train.



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