5 Best Local Drinks To Drink And Try In Europe

Europe is a wonderful meeting place of many different cultures — and culinary traditions. Every nation has its own distinct identity, which draws the visitors right into its history and everything else it offers. And in some countries, that also means flavorful drinks!

Those of you who travel to excite your palate and have some locals approved fun will enjoy visiting these countries. Here are our top 5 best local drinks to drink and try in Europe:


1. Best Local Drinks In Italy: Limoncello

Limoncello is a wonderful Italian invention that you can find all across this beautiful country. However, if you wish to try this light lemon liquor at its best, head to Amalfi. There, on the beautiful Amalfi Coast, they make limoncello from the best lemons in all of Italy. The original recipe makes this drink taste like an aromatic lemonade that is only slightly sweet. However, sip it slowly and carefully, because its strength can take you by surprise.

Naples to Salerno Trains

Naples to Pompei Trains

Rome to Naples Trains

Bari to Naples Trains


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2. Bordeaux Best Local Wine — France

For a wine lover, one of the best local drinks to try in Europe would certainly be a Bordeaux wine. Even though it is a famous French export, it is certainly an experience to sample this exquisite wine while in Bordeaux. A wine tour is a perfect way to explore the region and its wines. What is more, you will learn a lot about making wine, gorgeous chateaus, and microclimates.

La Rochelle to Nantes Trains

Toulouse to La Rochelle Trains

Bordeaux to La Rochelle Trains

Paris to La Rochelle Trains


3. Pimms Cup — England

If you find yourself in London during the summer, you simply cannot leave without sampling Pimms Cup. It was James Pimm who invented the drink in the mid 1800s, and he served it in a large cup that to which he lent his name. It is a refreshing drink that combines fizzy lemonade and Pimms No. 1, as well as fruit slices and mint sprigs. Absolutely delicious, and perfect for enjoying on a mild summer day in a garden setting, Pimms Cup will charm you.

Amsterdam To London Trains

Paris to London Trains

Berlin to London Trains

Brussels to London Trains

Pimms Cup England

4. Best Local Drinks In Germany: Schnaps

In Germany, Schnaps is an umbrella term for a strong alcoholic drink that can have a variety of flavors. For example, you could have a fruity Schnaps or a herb based one. Whichever one you choose, you will be having a popular local drink that will evoke the spirit of Germany. The locals love having Schnaps after a large, heavy meal, where its strength helps with digestion. So when you are in Germany, feel free to feast and drink up!

Frankfurt to Berlin Trains

Leipzig to Berlin Trains

Hanover to Berlin Trains

Hamburg to Berlin Trains

Best Local Drinks in Germany is the Schnaps


5. Westvleteren Abbey Best Local Beer In Belgium

Belgium is synonymous with beer, perhaps even more than Germany is. But among all the amazing local Belgian beers, there is one that will knock you off your feet. Abbey beers, also known as Trappists, are very popular in Belgium, but Westvleteren abbey beer is the rarest one. To get it, you need to reserve it from the abbey 60 days ahead of time. However, it is well worth the trouble.

Brussels to Antwerp Trains

Amsterdam to Antwerp Trains

Lille to Antwerp Trains

Paris to Antwerp Trains


Ready to enjoy the best local drinks Europe can offer? Pack your bags, make your plans, and head to Save A Train to book your train tickets to see Europe in a whole different light!



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5 Best Local Sweets To Try In Europe

Local sweets come in many varieties all over Europe. Every country and region has its own little treat they are proud to offer. For tourists with a sweet tooth, there is nothing more alluring about traveling than new tastes. Here are our top 5 best local sweets to try in Europe.


1. A Local Sweet – Mozartkugel, Salzburg, Austria

One of the most popular and renowned local sweets in Europe is the Mozartkugel. As we know, Paul Furst created the original recipe in Salzburg over a century ago. It is a layered chocolate treat with green pistachio and nougat.

There are several industrial-made budget versions, and you can find them in supermarkets. However, the original version is not too expensive, and it is worth the difference in price. Overall, they are one of the best local sweets to bring home from your Austrian trip.

Munich to Salzburg Trains

Salzburg to Passau

Vienna to Salzburg Trains

Salzburg to Vienna Trains


2. A Local Sweet – Berliner Pfannkuchen, Berlin, Germany

Berliner Pfannkuchen Sufganiot

You do not have to tie your tongue in a knot to say the name of this local sweet. People shorten them to Berliner outside Berlin, and Pfannkuchen in Berlin. Unlike American doughnuts, they do not have a hole in the center. When you follow the traditional recipe, you get a delicious ball of sweetness, filled with jam or marmalade, with sugar icing.

Berlin to Potsdam Trains

Berlin to Hamburg Trains

Frankfurt to Berlin Trains

Berlin to Munich Trains


3. Stroopwafel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Stroopwafel is one of the Best Local Sweets to Try in Europe

Stroopwafel is one of the most addictive local sweets one can find in Europe. Unlike many other sweets, there is no debate on who originated the recipe and where. Bakers in the Dutch city of Gouda made them first. Because they pack and travel well, they make excellent souvenirs.

Two thin wafers brought together with a caramel “glue” make one Stroopwafel. Even though it does not sound special, the universal appeal makes them one of the best local sweets. These sweets make a perfect snack after a long day of train-hopping, shopping, and cyclist dodging – all typical Amsterdam activities.

Brussels to Amsterdam Trains

London to Amsterdam Trains

Berlin to Amsterdam Trains

Paris to Amsterdam Trains


4. Danish Pastry, Copenhagen, Denmark

Even though Denmark is small, the legends of its best local sweets travel far and wide. Danish pastry traveled to Denmark with a group of Austrian bakers. Of course, they modified the recipe over the years, and many Scandinavian immigrants brought it to America. However, you will enjoy it most in the country where the dedicated bakers perfected it.

This local Danish sweet is one of the lightest things you will taste. The bakers top it off with jam, cheese, or cream to infuse that perfect Scandinavian flair. Even though it is rich in flavor and calories, after a day of exploring Copenhagen in the snow, you will enjoy both of these qualities.

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5. Cuberdon, Belgium

Cuberdon is among the Best Local Sweets to Try in Europe

Cuberdon is one of the best and most obscure local sweets in Europe. It is hat-shaped, often purple and filled with raspberry filling. When you bite into one, your teeth sink into the soft middle filling with ease. They often call it Belgium best-kept secret. Because it is difficult to preserve it after a few weeks, they don not export it often. However, for a tourist who wants to try something unique and bring it home, the cuberdon is perfect.

Luxembourg to Brussels Trains

Antwerp to Brussels Trains

Amsterdam to Brussels Trains

Paris to Brussels Trains


Do you want to add some sugar and spice into your life and take a train food tour through Europe? Book your tickets today!



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10 Best Bakeries To Try On Your Trip To Europe

Travelers with a sweet tooth, pay attention! You might not have thought to travel through Europe just for the sake of trying out desserts, but you should. Europe has some fantastic delicacies that will bring you closer to the culture of the country you’re exploring. Plus, they’ll delight your taste buds. What’s not to love?

If the idea sounds intriguing enough to try and you’re wondering where to start, don’t fret. To help you decide, we’ve compiled a sweet list of the 10 Best Bakeries to try on your trip to Europe. Let’s have a closer look at them:


1. Amsterdam, The Netherlands — My Little Patisserie

It’s rare to encounter well-made French delicacies in other countries, but no worries — the baker is French. My Little Patisserie offers all kinds of sweet tooth French delights, including chouquettes and eclairs, among other specialties.

With a traditional French design, My Little Patisserie perfectly evokes the spirit of France in the Dutch setting. What’s more, they also use the traditional French recipes that never fail to satisfy your cravings. Don’t miss this place if you find yourself in Amsterdam!

Brussels to Amsterdam Trains

London to Amsterdam Trains

Berlin to Amsterdam Trains

Paris to Amsterdam Trains


2. Rome, Italy — Bakery House

This bakery is another seemingly fish-out-of-water situation, as it isn’t all about the Italian pastries. Instead, the Bakery House specializes in cupcakes, a strictly American favorite invention that can be so delicious you’ll never want to leave.

The best thing about Bakery House is the variety of flavors, at least where your taste buds are concerned. But since it’s impossible only to try one cupcake, your beach body won’t thank you. However, these cupcakes might be worth spending an extra few hours in the gym to burn off the calories.

Florence to Rome Trains

Naples to Rome Trains

Florence to Pisa Trains

Rome to Venice Trains


3. Rome, Italy — Biscottificio Innocenti

If you’re longing for strictly Italian desserts, Biscottificio Innocenti won’t disappoint you. It truly deserves its place among the 10 Best Bakeries to try on your trip to Europe thanks to its biscotti. It is a tiny shop with a huge oven that produces the most delicious biscuits you’ll try in Italy.

And you won’t find the recipe for them anywhere — Biscottificio keeps its secrets. Make sure to sample their Brutti ma Buoni. It is a biscuit shaped like a pyramid that you won’t be able to get enough of.

Milan to Rome Trains

Florence to Rome Trains

Pisa to Rome Trains

Naples to Rome Trains


4. Paris, France — Du Pain Et Des Idees

The name of this wonderful Parisian bakery translates as Bread and Ideas, which is an inspired name for inspiring food. And while their name implies a specialization in bread, that’s not all that they offer.

You can also enjoy their croissants! These baked goods have the reputation of being the best croissants in Paris. When in Paris, don’t miss one of the best bakeries in Europe.

Amsterdam to Paris Trains

London to Paris Trains

Rotterdam to Paris Trains

Brussels to Paris Trains 


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5. Munich, Germany — Konditorei Kaffee Schneller

Cafe shops are on the top 10 Best Bakeries To Try On Your Trip To Europe

The people of Munich love their pastries, and that’s obvious from the high regard they have for Konditorei Kaffee Schneller. But why is it one of the 10 Best Bakeries To Try On Your Trip To Europe?

After you trudge through a dreadfully hectic, gloomy and tiring Monday, you need something to lift your spirits. If you’re in Munich, the answer lies in delicious, homemade pastries. You can find those in Kaffee Schneller, alongside a comforting hot cup of cappuccino or cocoa. More often than not, you won’t need an excuse to visit it at all.

Munich to Salzburg Trains

Munich to Passau Trains

Nuremberg to Passau Trains

Salzburg to Passau


6. Zurich, Switzerland — Conditorei Schober

Zurich is the definitive place to look for the best bakeries in Europe. The Swiss have great chocolates and even better pastry artisans that will surely impress you. Conditorei Schober is one of the bakeries you can find in the “sweet corner” of Old Town.

It’s a traditional-looking little cafe that has some of the most amazing pastries and handmade chocolates you can try. Lovely decor, great desserts, and a patio to enjoy in the summer — what’s not to love?

Munich to Zurich Trains

Berlin to Zurich Trains

Basel to Zurich Trains

Vienna to Zurich Trains


7. Zurich, Switzerland — Confiserie Sprungli

We’re not done with Zurich yet! There is one more place deserving to mention on the list of best bakeries in Europe. Regarded as the prettiest cafe in town, Confiserie Sprungli is quite famous in Zurich.

The specialty that made them famous is the Luxemburgli macarons, but their chocolate is superb as well. Their specialties are sure to make all your senses sing. You can’t visit the Confiserie Sprungli without trying out the Luxemburgli macarons!

Interlaken to Zurich Trains

Lucerne to Zurich Trains

Bern to Zurich Trains

Geneva to Zurich Trains


8.  Danish bakery — Kaffehuset Copenhagen, Denmark

Danish bakery — Kaffehuset — Copenhagen, Denmark

You can’t mention pastries without recognizing how skilled the Danish are at making it. That’s why it’s no surprise to find a Danish bakery from Copenhagen among the best bakeries in Europe. The Kaffehuset is a definite contender for the spot, and they win it thanks to their mouth-watering pastries.

The students of Copenhagen favor Kaffehuset’s cheesecake, as it’s known to be the most delightful and most delicious cheesecake in town. You can try to resist its allure, but you’ll most likely fail — and be very happy that you did.


9. London, England — Lauderee

Another out-of-France European bakery that made its name on sweet French delights, Lauderee will enchant you. Londoners adore this place, and you will too once you visit London for the first time.

Macarons are their specialty, and you won’t be able to tell them apart from their French counterparts. The cream inside the macaron will melt in your mouth after you crunch the pastel-colored shell. It doesn’t get any better than that!

Amsterdam To London Trains

Paris to London Trains

Berlin to London Trains

Brussels to London Trains


10. Vienna, Austria — Demel

Demel is a famous dessert establishment in Vienna for a reason — their cakes. The Ana Demal Torte is a tiered chocolate showstopper that is one of the main reasons for Demel’s perfect reputation.

Demel is more than just a tourist favorite — its history is over 230 years long, which is fascinating and impressive. Some of the specialties you can enjoy there are Walnut cake, Esterhazy cake, Sacher Torte, and Dobos Torte. In short, if you’re looking for your daily dose of cake, look no further than Demel.

Salzburg to Vienna Trains

Munich to Vienna Trains

Graz to Vienna Trains

Prague to Vienna Trains


Ready to have an unforgettable (and delicious) vacation with your entire family? Visit the ten best bakeries in Europe from our list, and you’ll be blown away. Make sure to plan your vacation and book your train tickets on time!



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5 Best Fishing Places In Europe To Enjoy

There’s nothing quite like fishing for the first time in a new place. For any angler, whether aspiring or full of experience, fishing is a precious activity that helps them relax. What could be better for them than combining tourism and their favorite pastime?

Fortunately for those who enjoy fishing, there are great places in Europe that feature a variety of fish. If you’re planning to make your next vacation all about fishing, we can help you decide where to go. Let’s have a look at our list of 5 best fishing Places in Europe to enjoy:


1. Fishing Places In Sweden

If you want to fish in Sweden, you needn’t look much further than Stockholm for great fishing places. For example, Stromgatan is right in the middle of the city, and it has a great view. You can look upon the Swedish parliament building and the Gamla stan while fishing. Another urban place is the Hammarby Sjostad upon Hammarby lake, a popular neighborhood in Stockholm. It has plenty of great fishing places and is easily accessible from the city.

However, if you want a more classic nature fishing experience, you won’t have to drive far from Stockholm. Ringsjon Lake offers some beautiful fishing places where you can catch whitefish and rainbow trout. Drevviken is another quiet lake close to Stockholm, similar to Ringsjon. A tremendous and sustainable place to fish, Drevviken Lake won’t disappoint you.

You could also head to the Stockholm archipelago and the island of Galo, which is a true isolated paradise. You can camp and fish there to your heart’s content, enjoying the archipelago’s nature.

Galo Island in Sweden is the most unique out of the 5 Best Fishing Places in Europe


2. Fishing Places In France

France is a beautiful country for just about any activity, so it’s no wonder fishing in France is also great. One of the most prominent fishing locations is Lac du Bourget, France’s deepest and largest lake. It’s an impressive place because it houses over 30 species of fish. Among them, trout, zander, pike, and perch stand out. The lake is truly a jewel of the Rhone-Alps region.

Then there is the Bassin d’Arcachon on the south-western coast of France — for those who enjoy saltwater fishing. Beautiful sunrises, crystal-clear waters and sea bass are just some of the things that you can expect at Arcachon.

Anglers from abroad love Lake Der-Chantecoq, right in the heart of the Champagne region, relatively close to Paris. It’s a great place for beginners, although old pros frequent the lake because of giant carp. Other notable French places include La Rance River and Alder. Both are popular as great destinations to take your family on a fishing trip.

Amsterdam to Paris Trains

London to Paris Trains

Rotterdam to Paris Trains

Brussels to Paris Trains 


3. Fishing Places In Italy

Le Marche Italy is one of the 5 Best Fishing Places in Europe

When in Italy, you might as well look for some of the best fishing places in Europe. The region of Le Marche offers some great fishing, especially at Cingoli, Pioraco, and Sefro. They’re some of the most beautiful Italian lakes for fishing, containing trout, pike, and carp, among other species. However, when it comes to lakes, there’s also Lake Como up north, with its pike and perch.

Let’s not forget about the biggest Italian river, the Po. It houses giant catfish and big carps that would entice any angler. In Tuscany, the rivers are the most prominent fishing places. Lima and Sieve are great places to fish for trout and grayling.

For those anglers who prefer fishing on the open waters, there are two great fishing places in Italy. The Egadi Islands of Sicily and the coast of Sardinia will both stun you with their beauty and the quality of fishing they provide. Look for blue-fin tuna and Sicilian swordfish in the Mediterranean, and amber-jack, snapper, and Garrick in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Milan to Lake Como Trains

Turin to Lake Como Trains

Padua to Lake Como Trains

Venice to Lake Como Trains


4. Fishing Places In The UK

The United Kingdom is a stunning place, offering some great fishing places in the unspoiled wild beauty of the isles. If you want an amazing catch, the UK might be the right place for you. But which place should you pick?

One of the most prominent places is Dartmoor, Devon. With such an evocative name, you can’t fail to imagine the experience of fishing for hungry fish in dark streams. The river Tyne in Northumberland has a color that offers you a distinct advantage against the sea trout living there. That makes this river perfect for daylight fishing and the biggest sea trout catch.

River Clettwr close to the border of England and Wales is going to be the most attractive place for adventurers. Look no further if you want to work hard for your catch in rough waters. The situation is somewhat more accessible at Strangford Lough, County Down. It’s the UK’s largest sea loch swarming with mackerel, pollock, and haddock, among others.

Assynt might be the most awe-inspiring place of all — nestled under big mountains, with both saltwater and freshwater fishing options. Fionn Loch is a great place to fish for native brown trout.

Amsterdam To London Trains

Paris to London Trains

Berlin to London Trains

Brussels to London Trains

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5. Fishing Places In Germany

Lake fishing in the Danube Germany

Germany certainly deserves its place on the list of the best fishing places in Europe. With so many big rivers and lakes, it would be a wonder if it didn’t make the list. Some of the most popular locations for fishing in Germany have to include the Danube area. In the 8 kilometers long Bavaria Danube area, you can catch a vast diversity of fish.

For more river fishing, the Rhine and the Elbe, especially at Baden-Wurttemberg and Sachsen-Anhalt, respectively, the experience is amazing. However, if you prefer lake fishing, there’s always lake Chiemsee and Lake Starnberg. Both are quite deep, with plenty of pike, trout, and bream.

For all anglers with an itch to travel, there are ways to combine their two great loves. Europe offers plenty of places to make a great catch and enjoy nature and bustling cities alike.

Munich to Salzburg Trains

Munich to Passau Trains

Nuremberg to Passau Trains

Salzburg to Passau


If you want to experience some great fishing, there are plenty of easily accessible 5 best fishing places in Europe to enjoy. If you’re ready to hit the waters, book your train tickets now and don’t look back!



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Top 5 Cities With The Best Nightlife In Europe

Traveling to see the sights is a great choice — but what if you only want to have fun? In that case, there are cities with the best nightlife, and getting there by train is easy and inexpensive.

For the party animals, there’s nothing quite like experiencing the nightlife of a new city. The best thing about doing it in Europe is that every city has a different vibe. Take a look at the top 5 cities with the best nightlife and see which one you enjoy the most:


1. Berlin’s Nightlife, Germany

You’ll find Berlin at the Top 5 Cities with the best nightlife for a reason. The city has a vibrant and intense clubbing scene that is unparalleled in Europe. Berlin attracts a lot of like-minded party animals. That’s why it’s almost a guarantee to have a good time in one of its numerous clubs. Berghain is undoubtedly the city’s most famous nightclub, as well as the most exclusive one. Once a power plant, now it’s the epicenter of Berlin’s clubbing scene. You can’t miss visiting it if you’re looking for a great time! Fortunately, reaching Berlin by train is easy — you can get there from Amsterdam, London, and Frankfurt, among other cities.

Berlin to Potsdam Trains

Berlin to Hamburg Trains

Frankfurt to Berlin Trains

Berlin to Munich Trains

2. Amsterdam’s Nightlife, the Netherlands

Amsterdam canal at night


Amsterdam is one of the cities that deserve its reputation as one of the best to party. It’s a popular destination, especially for lovers of trance, techno, hip hop, deep house, and EDM. Some of the most important places to visit are the Warehouse Elementenstraat and Sugar Factory. Both are great clubs to party at, depending on what you like. One thing is for sure — the parties are wild. The clubs don’t close until 3 or 4 a.m., so there is plenty of time to enjoy. Reach Amsterdam by train from any major European cities like Berlin, Paris, London, and Brussels.

Brussels to Amsterdam Trains

London to Amsterdam Trains

Berlin to Amsterdam Trains

Paris to Amsterdam Trains


3. Stockholm, Sweden

In the cold Scandinavia, both the locals and tourists know how to party. Stockholm is among the cities with the best nightlife owing to the variety of clubs and great crowds in them. Hell’s Kitchen is a place you can’t miss in Stockholm, so make sure to check it out. This city is easily reached by train from other European rail hubs.

Stockholm is among Top 5 Cities With The Best Nightlife In Europe


4. Rome, Italy

Rome’s unique historic atmosphere enhances the quality of clubbing in the city. Quintessentially Italian, the experience of clubbing in Rome has a certain life-loving, casual charm to it. Big dance floors, friendly bartenders, and a fun atmosphere make Rome’s nightlife a unique experience. One of the best parts about visiting Italy is that there are plenty of train rides. They can get you anywhere you want to go. Some of them will treat you with gorgeous sights along the way.

Milan to Rome Trains

Florence to Rome Trains

Pisa to Rome Trains

Naples to Rome Trains


[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIoy7Tuzl3Y” autoplay=”yes” mute=”yes”]


5. London, England

London is among Top 5 Cities With The Best Nightlife In Europe


London has a different clubbing scene that puts it among the top five cities with the best nightlife in Europe. You can visit glamorous nightclubs, burlesque shows, retro clubs, and anything in between. It’s a great place to party, and getting to London by train is accessible from most major European cities. Don’t miss the London clubbing experience!

Amsterdam To London Trains

Paris to London Trains

Berlin to London Trains

Brussels to London Trains


Ready for your next party-seeking trip? Our Top 5 Cities with the Best Nightlife in Europe won’t disappoint you, even if you visited them before. Book your train tickets and enjoy the fun and music!



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