7 Best Day Trips From Naples In Italy

Naples is a wonderful, quintessential Italian town. It is filled with hills, old buildings, and other small and cute wonders. It is essentially the perfect Italian town for everyone who wants to experience the authentic Italian spirit and the best day trips from Naples.

However, that is not all. You need to go to Naples for the magnificent pizzas they make. The pizzas are not the everyday kind you can find anywhere in the world. The Napoli pizza is something unique and boasts a taste that cannot be matched.

But we digress. If you find yourself in Naples, you should not spend all your time marveling at the beauty of the town and eating their glorious pizza. You also need to visit the surroundings. That is because Naples boasts some of the most beautiful surroundings in all of Italy. From the massive Pompeii ruins to the picturesque and understandably famous Amalfi coast – you can see a lot.

With that in mind, we thought we would help you by giving you the ultimate list of the seven best day trips from Naples, Italy. Let us begin:


1. One Of The Best Day Trips From Naples: The Ruins Of Herculaneum

We wanted to start not with the obvious but the less obvious. Herculaneum is the less famous cousin of Pompeii. The now famous 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius destroyed both Pompeii and the neighboring Herculaneum.

However, today, all the honors go to Pompeii. Almost every person in the world knows what Pompeii is, yet very few know about Herculaneum. This is a big shame if you ask us.

First of all, Herculaneum is more preserved. When you get there, you will find most of the houses and other monuments almost intact.

Second, Herculaneum is rarely crowded. As we have already said, these ruins are less known and are visited in smaller numbers. It is also smaller and easier to see in greater detail.

Visiting Herculaneum is very easy, as trains go to it from Naples every hour or so. You do not even have to worry about time as you will have plenty of it to see these ruins.

Milan to Naples Trains

Florence to Naples Trains

Venice to Naples Trains

Pisa to Naples Trains


The Ruins Of Herculaneum


2. Pompeii

Even though Herculaneum is more beautiful, in our opinion, you cannot miss Pompeii. Well, the best day trips from Naples always have to include both Pompeii and Herculaneum.

The entire city of Naples lives in the shadow of the mighty Vesuvius. However, only Pompeii can genuinely say that it knows the might of Vesuvius. You can see the mountain when in Pompei, and you can truly grasp the strength of the only active volcano in Europe.

When you go to Pompeii, you need to be ready. The place is more massive than most people think, so you have to go there as early as you can. On top of that, if you go in the summer, it is very hot, so you will need to bring lots of water.

However, getting to Pompeii is the easiest part. You can quickly reach it from Naples via train, which goes there throughout the day.

Naples to Pompei Trains

Torre Del Greco to Pompei Trains

Pompei to Nocera Inferiore Trains

Salerno to Nocera Inferiore Trains


Pompeii Best Day Trips from Naples


3. One Of The Best Day Trips From Naples: Mount Vesuvius

Naturally, no visit to Naples can be complete without seeing Vesuvius. You literally cannot go without seeing it because of its massive size which can be seen from almost anywhere in Naples.

However, you can best experience it not from afar, but by standing on it. The mountain is very tall, but you can still take an organized tour and hike up in an hour or less. You will find it challenging, but the experience you will get at the top is entirely worth it.

To reach Mount Vesuvius, all you need is to take a fast train from Naples that takes you near the bottom to the Ercolano Scavi station. Then you need to take one of the Vesuvio Express buses that go to the starting point of the moderately challenging hike.

Salerno to Mercato San Severino Trains

Pescara to Naples Trains

Bracciano to Manziana Trains

Santa Marinella to Bracciano Trains


Mount Vesuvius


4. Positano On The Amalfi Coast

The entire Amalfi Coast is just begging to be seen. Once you go there, you quickly realize why. The massive cliffs are awe inspiring, and the beauty of the sea is indescribable.

You need to take a train ride to either Sorrento or Salerno. Then you can take a bus or rent a car to go over the tiny roads that traverse the Amalfi coast.

Positano is right in the middle of the coast and is the most beautiful town on it. If you ever saw any pictures of towns on the Amalfi Coast, you have most likely seen Positano. The fame that surrounds the city is deserved, as the scenery is breathtaking.

Bari to Naples Trains

Potenza to Naples Trains

Salerno to Naples Trains

Taranto to Naples Trains



5. One Of The Best Day Trips From Naples: Sorrento

Sorento is a small town that sits on the opposite side of the Amalfi coast. It is thus closer to Naples, and you can also very easily reach it via local train lines.

The town boasts a couple of striking beaches and a magnificent old town. Most people go to Sorrento, not for the sea and the terrifying cliffs, but the history. Sorrento is truly a quintessential old Italian town. It is much smaller than Naples and has that true old Italian spirit only small Italian cities of the south can have.

On top of that, you should definitely visit Sorrento on one of your best day trips from Naples because of Capri. The isle of Capri is close by and is by far one of the most beautiful small isles you will ever see.

Foggia to Naples Trains

Tivoli to Naples Trains

Temoli to Naples Trains

Lecce to Naples Trains


Sorrento Best Day Trips from Naples


6. The Island Of Ischia

Several gorgeous islands surround Naples. However, by far the most beautiful one is Ischia, and here is why:

  • Ischia is the largest island in the Bay of Naples
  • Ischia has it all: beaches, thermal waters, restaurants, and magnificent buildings

It is the best place for relaxation in Naples. You can also get to it quickly by taking a boat from the center of Naples.

Salerno to Maratea Trains

Bari to Maratea Trains

Naples to Maratea Trains

Potenza to Maratea Trains


Island Of Ischia


7. Reggia Di Caserta: The Italian Versailles

They do not call this massive 1200 room palace the Italian Versailles for nothing. The palace is filled with monumental staircases and is a Unesco World Heritage Site. You will also find lavish royal apartments and a collection of presepi – Christmas cribs of Naples.

All in all, you cannot go wrong by visiting this massive palace. You can take a train from the central station in Naples and get out at the Caserta station. The palace is only a short walk afterward.

Naples to Caserta Trains

Salerno to Caserta Trains

Potenza to Caserta Trains

Bari to Caserta Trains


Versailles Best Day Trips from Naples


So, there you have them, the seven best day trips from Naples. If you want to truly experience the beauty of Naples, you need to go on all of these trips. Also, if you want to learn more, feel free to contact Save A Train



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10 Fairytale Castles In Italy You Must Visit

There is plenty of fairytale castles in Italy you must visit! With such a long, rich history and culture, this country is the place to go for exploring castles. To help you plan your trip, here are 10 fairytale castles in Italy that you are certainly going to enjoy:


1. Brolio Castle

If you are curious about the birthplace of the Chianti wine, this is where you should go. This castle property sprawls over 3,000 acres, complete with vineyards and olive groves. Furthermore, it is absolutely gorgeous to see during a sunset tour.

Bari to Fasano Trains

Taranto to Fasano Trains

Milan to Florence Trains

Venice to Milan Trains

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2. Sammezzano

The beautiful hills of Tuscany hide this eye-catching castle with unique architecture. Its 19th century owner wanted to redesign it with Oriental influences. In other words, he gave it a flair that no other Italian castle can match.

Salerno to Paestum Trains

Naples to Paestum Trains

Bari to Florence Trains

Salerno to Florence Trains



3. Banfi Castle

Looking for something a bit different? At this castle, you can enjoy a relaxing getaway and not just the beauty of the architecture and its surroundings. Since the 1700s, this castle has stood watch over the rolling hills of the area and is now a hotel with many amenities.

Rome to Tivoli Trains

Tivoli to Rome Trains

Perugia to Tivoli Trains

Orvieto to Tivoli Trains

Banfi Castle


4. Valenzano Castle

Built-in the 10th century, Valenzano castle is one of the oldest fairytale castles still standing in Italy. Today it is still just as imposing and majestic as it was then. However, instead of serving as an outpost, this castle is now a hotel, complete with tennis courts and golf courses.

Rome to Bracciano Trains

Bracciano to Rome Trains

Bracciano to Manziana Trains

Santa Marinella to Bracciano Trains


5. Montalto

This fairytale castle story began over a thousand years ago, and the property has exchanged hands among conquerors many times since. However, it is a peaceful place nowadays, with many farming properties and vineyards. Visitors love it because of its fascinating history and wonderful architecture.

Milan to Naples Trains

Florence to Naples Trains

Venice to Naples Trains

Pisa to Naples Trains

Fairytale Castles in Italy


6. Poppi Castle

There is an interesting legend about one of its towers. As the locals say, it is the resting place of one of its former owners. Reportedly, she used to lock up visiting men in that same tower, which angered the people. However, the legend is not the only thing attracting visitors. Gorgeous views of the valleys surrounding the castle make the trip worth it.

Milan to Genoa Trains

Rome to Genoa Trains

Florence to Genoa Trains

Venice to Genoa Trains


7. Vicchiomaggio

This pristine looking castle offers stunning views and an excellent opportunity to study the architecture of the Renaissance period. Furthermore, it is another one of the thousand year olds among Italian castles. This fairytale castle is close to Florence, and it is great for a day trip from there.

Pompei to Paestum Trains

Potenza to Paestum Trains

Florence to Pisa Trains

Florence to Rome Trains



8. Cabbiavoli Castle

Cabbiavoli Castle might be the perfect image of a Tuscan castle. With its beautiful appearance, fields, vineyards, and olive groves, this castle simply has it all. You can even go horseback riding when you visit there!

Reggio Emilia to Florence Trains

Genoa to Florence Trains

Sestri Levante to Rome Trains

Parma to Florence Trains


9. Boccale Castle

One of the most stunning castles in all of Italy is perched precariously on a cliffside. The waves of the Mediterranean Sea break upon the rocks, and this castle looms above them. You will not be able to tour the interior, but the castle is still ideal for pictures.

Torre Del Greco to Pompei Trains

Pompei to Nocera Inferiore Trains

Salerno to Nocera Inferiore Trains

Salerno to Mercato San Severino Trains

Fairytale Castles in Italy


10. Montegufoni Castle

For all the art lovers among travelers, Montegufoni will be a fascinating destination. It is the home of the famous Room of Masks, containing Gino Severini splendid frescoes. Furthermore, it looks absolutely stunning, and it is a place that everyone can enjoy.

Salerno to Maratea Trains

Bari to Maratea Trains

Naples to Maratea Trains

Potenza to Maratea Trains

Montegufoni Castle


Ready to see the fairytale castles in Italy? Make sure to plan your vacation and Book Your Train Tickets on time!



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10 Best Places To Visit In South Italy

The warm weather is not over yet. There is still time and a good reason to visit South Italy this month!  South Italy has some amazing offerings. The Best Places to visit in South Italy include; beautiful stretches of dramatic coastline, picture perfect beaches, charming coastal islands and a plethora of historic cities and towns. It was hard to narrow our list down to just 10, but here are 10 best places to visit in South Italy.


1.  The Amalfi Coast 

Amalfi coast is awesome
What is a trip to Italy without visiting the Amalfi Coast? This particular region of Southern Italy is one of the most beautiful and world renowned! Stretching from Naples to Salerno, the Amalfi coast offers dramatic scenery, gorgeous towns that hug the mountains, and some interesting historical sites. 

This protected region features some idyllic coastal towns such as Amalfi, Erchie, Minori and Positano – these towns have a series of multi colored houses that stack up against the hillsides and provide picture perfect photo opportunities.

Furthermore, sites such as Villa Rufolo in Ravello provide unrivaled views across to the Mediterranean Sea.

Milan to Genoa Trains

Rome to Genoa Trains

Florence to Genoa Trains

Venice to Genoa Trains


2. Sorrento

Sorrento could be the first on Best Places to visit in South Italy

Sorrento has both the amenities that tourists find comforting as well as unique and higher end antiquities for sale in the old town. A ferry leaves from here to the isle of Capri, and it is a great jumping off point for Pompeii. However, Sorrento is also known for excellent gourmet cuisine, stunning cliff dwellings (though no beaches), and stunning views of Mount Vesuvius.

Torre Del Greco to Pompei Trains

Pompei to Nocera Inferiore Trains

Salerno to Nocera Inferiore Trains

Salerno to Mercato San Severino Trains


3. Maratea

Maratea by the beach


This medieval town is positioned along the rocky coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. Its ritzy harbor is one of the top hotspots in Italy. If you want to stay here during the summer you may have to book well in advance to secure your chosen hotel as rooms book up FAST. As we are nearing the end of the warm season, you may have some luck with last minute bookings!

Salerno to Maratea Trains

Bari to Maratea Trains

Naples to Maratea Trains

Potenza to Maratea Trains


4. Paestum

Some cool history, Paestum is a town on Italian soil, but it was founded by the ancient Greeks when they were in control of this part of Italy! Then it was known as Poseidonia after the god of the sea.

The Greek architecture alone is worth a visit so be sure to put that into your itinerary in addition to visiting the three well preserved Greek temples that you have to see. The oldest was built about 550BC (give or take a year) and is the Temple of Hera which is amazing.

Salerno to Paestum Trains

Naples to Paestum Trains

Pompei to Paestum Trains

Potenza to Paestum Trains


[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tNnI_w6TTQ” autoplay=”yes” mute=”yes”]


5. Best Places To Visit In South Italy: Naples

Naples is on 10 Best Places To Visit In South Italy


Naples, or Napoli, depends on what language, is the third largest city in Italy. To be honest, there are some very opposing views on this part of South Italy. To some it is huge, filthy, crime ridden and falling apart, to others it is edgy and atmospheric. Whatever blows your hair back, we guess?  One thing is for sure though. This coastal Southern city has its own personality!

Many favorite Italian foods originated in Naples
and its surrounding areas such as pizza, and spaghetti. These dishes are taken seriously here and usually feature fresh, locally grown ingredients. Tourist attractions in Naples include a huge medieval castle, Castel Nuovo, as well as the seaside fortress of Castel del Ovo. The city is also next to the Vesuvius, the only active volcano on the European continent.

Milan to Naples Trains

Florence to Naples Trains

Venice to Naples Trains

Pisa to Naples Trains


6. Best Places To Visit In South Italy: Alberobello

Alberobello houses style

The town of Alberobello is unique in that it is the best preserved example of Trulli architecture to be found in all of Italy (well, so I was told).

Homes built in the Trulli style are made with conical stone roofs without using mortar (though, I am no builder so do not quote me on that). The oldest homes date from the 14th century and totally stunning, making it one of the must see and beautiful towns in Southern Italy to visit.

Naples to Maratea Trains

Naples to Monopoli Trains

Bari to Fasano Trains

Taranto to Fasano Trains


7. Best Places To Visit In South Italy: Tropea

Tropea is the less known place in 10 Best Places To Visit In South Italy

Look, I am warning you in advance. The photo opportunities in this place are insane. Be careful that you do not miss out on the real thing! The beautiful ancient town of Tropea is perched on top of some sheer cliffs and across the road from a narrow sandy beach, it is said to have been founded by Hercules himself.

If you are sightseeing, there are two gorgeous churches in Tropea too, the Santa Maria del Isola is a medieval church that was built on an island although years of siltation has resulted in a land bridge forming between the island and the mainland. The other is the cathedral; it has two unexploded bombs dating from WW2 sitting just outside the church door. Locals believed the building was protected by the patron saint so watch your step!

The churches alone make this one of the most beautiful towns in Southern Italy. You will love it!

Vibo Marina to Tropea Trains

Catanzaro to Tropea Trains

Cosenza to Tropea Trains

Lamezia Terme to Tropea Trains


8. Best Places To Visit In South Italy: Capri

Capri is one the list of Best Places To Visit In South Italy

Technically a small island, Capri has a gorgeous town and marina that you have to explore. The whole island is rich in history and mythology and one lovely spot you have to visit when in the region.

If you are looking for things to see, The home of Roman Emperor Tiberius (Villa Jovis) is still one of the major spots to see on the island and so is the Blue Grotto. The waterfront cave is only accessible by boat and only when there are favorable tides (so be prepared for cancellations).

Reggio Emilia to Florence Trains

Genoa to Florence Trains

Sestri Levante to Rome Trains

Parma to Florence Trains


9. Best Places To Visit In South Italy: Pompeii and Herculaneum

Pompeii and Herculaneum Historic Site

Pompeii and Herculaneum were two Roman towns and villages that were obliterated when Mount Vesuvius erupted all the way back in 79 AD.

Probably the most famous of the two is the town of Pompeii, which you can now wander around and explore when you are in the area. An awful 3,000 people perished in the town, but the hot ash immortalized the ruins into what it is today. Be warned, it can get pretty busy here, so plan accordingly and remember you might have to queue for a ticket to enter. 

Oh, also the nearby town of Herculaneum is smaller and was a wealthier district and gives an example of how the wealthy Romans once lived. Make sure to visit the Herculaneum Archaeological Area if you are a history buff! 

Torre Del Greco to Pompei Trains

Naples to Pompei Trains

Salerno to Pompei Trains

Bari to Pompei Trains


10. Best Places To Visit In South Italy: Aeolian Islands

Aeolian Islands Italy

Last on our list of Best Places to visit in South Italy. The Aeolian Islands! They are known as the Hawaii of Italy. It is a string of islands north of Sicily, and it is silly gorgeous. As amazing as it may be, hardly anyone knows about it. But the ones who do keep coming back. Because they know they will have the place all to themselves.

Renting scooters to zip around beautiful black beaches. Sunset aperitivo in Pollara. Boating around the surrounding islands of Stromboli, Panarea, and Lipari. Getting steamy with sulfur water spas in Vulcano. The Greek vibes (no surprise – the islands were named for Aeolus, the god of the winds, by Greek settlers). Salt eroded houses spilling down to the shore. And feeling like you are in on a big secret that you only wanna share with your loved ones!

Naples to Salerno Trains

Naples to Milan Trains

Rome to Naples Trains

Bari to Salerno Trains

Insider tip: travel here between Easter-October and Book in advance if you want to visit in August! 


Ready to pack your bags for South of Italy trip? Then book your train ticket with Save A Train within in minutes. No extra fees, no fuss, just fun! 



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