Exploring The Best Discoveries With College Mates

When traveling in the company of college buddies, it is perfectly okay to not have an itinerary and just be spontaneous. Touring a place with no expectations or any prior planning is actually the best way of discovering hidden treasures. It leaves enough room for fun and uncensored exploration. So, what where do you and your buddies start when you want to make authentic discoveries without having a strict to-do-list to tick off? How can you find the best discoveries away from home?

Well, lucky for you, it is now possible to make a fake flight reservation for a visa without having to pay for a plane ticket or travel itinerary. That allows you to travel without an itinerary. Besides that, technology has made maps and guidebooks easily accessible, so you can fully rely on your phone for travel tips. Here are 5 more tips for exploring the best discoveries with college mates:


1. Go On A Free Walking Tour

Search and register for free walking tours on your first day in the new town. They are easy to find – just ask staff members in the hotel you will be spending the first night, or inquire from the other student travelers you find in your hostel. A quick search on the internet will also help you find a good free walking tour. Note that although the tours are primarily free of charge, it is best that you set aside a small budget for tipping tour guides.

How do free walking tours work? You find a free walking tour for the date and time when you will be available, you sign up, a meeting point is communicated to you, you show up at that point on time, and then you leave everything else to the tour guide. The charismatic tour guide will help you discover the city and its outskirts with ease and gain a deeper understanding of the city’s unique architecture and local culture.

Milan to Rome Trains

Florence to Rome Trains

Pisa to Rome Trains

Naples to Rome Trains


Exploring The Best Discoveries With College Mates on a bus


2. Allow Yourself To Get Lost

Now that an experienced tour guide has helped you discover most parts of the city, it is now time to get off at a random station and explore the surroundings on your own. Deliberately avoid the touristy areas and “get lost” in the sea of people. And because you are with friends, you don’t have to worry too much about personal safety. You will discover countless hidden gems – things no tourist has ever seen before. It will help if you are open to talking to strangers because no one will help you discover a city better than the locals.

Amsterdam to Paris Trains

London to Paris Trains

Rotterdam to Paris Trains

Brussels to Paris Trains



3. Leverage Google Maps

Google maps or Apple maps are okay, although Apple cannot beat the predictability and accuracy that Google maps have. Perhaps it is because most internet users have Android-powered devices, so most tourist destination reviews are done on Google maps. Studying the Google map of an area works really well for group traveling- It gives a perfect idea of what’s around you. Google reviews will tell you the best places to eat, where to find the best wine, and caution you on where not to visit as a college traveler. This information helps you explore and discover more.

Brussels to Amsterdam Trains

London to Amsterdam Trains

Berlin to Amsterdam Trains

Paris to Amsterdam Trains


Leverage Google Maps


4. Attend Local Events

If you don’t want to wander the streets without a specified purpose, why not attend a local event then? Ask around for trade fairs, art shows, concerts, or festivals and immerse yourself in any of them. If you love sports, go to a stadium or attend a street soccer match. You can even play with the locals if they are hospitable enough. This will give you a deep perspective of the city and allow you to interact with the locals and experience their daily struggles and joys – like a local. Run a marathon if you trust your running ability. Competing with your mates will make it even more fun.

Nuremberg to Prague Trains

Munich to Prague Trains

Berlin to Prague Trains

Vienna to Prague Trains


Festival is among The Best Discoveries With College Mates


5. Leverage Social Media

Facebook reviews will tell you where to go backpacking with college friends, what to discover while there, and everything you need to know about that destination. Just join a college travelers’ group of your choice, say on Facebook, and pick the minds of knowledgeable members. Social media is a gold mine for gathering key information from people with firsthand experience for a given region.

Frankfurt to Berlin Trains

Leipzig to Berlin Trains

Hanover to Berlin Trains

Hamburg to Berlin Trains


To conclude, Every day is a learning opportunity for any group of ambitious young college travelers. Just have proper planning for your health and travel insurance, but don’t limit yourself with a fixed itinerary. Let your curious young self explore and discover and if you liked our article, then order your train tickets from Save A Train.



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Top 5 Best Day Trips From Brussels

You have gotten in touch with the history, art, and culture of Brussels and you are ready to explore outside the city borders now. Luckily, there is also a lot to explore within a day trip from Brussels. So much so, that we have decided to put a list of 5 Best day trips from Brussels just for you! 

Rail transport is the most environmentally friendly way to travel. This article was written to educate about Train Travel and was made by Save A Train, The Cheapest Train Tickets Website In The World.


1. Best Day Trips From Brussels: Bruges

Yes, this is the same place that the movie In Bruges was shot! It is located 100 kilometers northwest of Brussels and only 15 kilometers from the North Sea. Bruges is also known as the Venice of the North. It is a great choice on our 5 Best day trips from Brussels list. Why? One word: Chocolate. 

Along with its famous medieval architecture and canals, it is also a Belgian chocolate hot spot with an incredible number of chocolatiers and shops, a nirvana for lovers of chocolate. 

Eaten too much chocolate? No worries. Bruges also has a great history and beautiful architecture. Admire the Belfry of Bruges, a medieval bell tower in the center of the city and one of its symbols, see the famous Hospital of St. John, and the Saint Salvator Cathedral.

Brussels to Bruges Trains

Antwerp to Bruges Trains

Halle to Bruges Trains

Ghent to Bruges Trains

Bruges is one of the Best day trips from Brussels


2. Ghent

Ghent is on our 5 Best day trips from Brussels list because it is known for being one of Belgium medieval treasures and its cultural value, namely; music, theatre, film, and visual arts. It is also super close to Brussels, located only 60 kilometers from Brussels and can be easily reached by train.

One of the best things to do in this charming medieval city is to explore it by foot, to catch a glimpse of its incredible medieval architecture, as well as to feel its vibrant atmosphere.

Praise The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb by the Van Eyck brothers located inside the Saint Bavo Cathedral. Visit the Belfry of Ghent, the Town Hall, and get closer to the city trading history at the Old Fish Market.

Brussels to Ghent Trains

Antwerp to Ghent Trains

Halle to Ghent Trains

Bruges to Ghent Trains

Beutiful Ghent Belgium


3. Best Day Trips From Brussels: Amsterdam

There are only 200 kilometers between Brussels and Amsterdam, so the beautiful Dutch capital is a good choice for an unforgettable day trip.

Amsterdam is often known for its interesting cafes! (If you know what I mean!) But, do not let that fool you. Amsterdam is one of the Best 5 Best day trips from Brussels because it is also an oasis of history, culture, and art.

Get in touch with the past at Anne Frank House, learn about art at the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh and Rembrandt House museums, and enjoy the famous Heineken Experience. Adventurous travelers can rent a bike and explore the streets, historic landmarks, and main pubs of Amsterdam. In the meantime, romantics can have a unique Amsterdam experience while enjoying a relaxing boat ride.

Brussels to Amsterdam Trains

London to Amsterdam Trains

Berlin to Amsterdam Trains

Paris to Amsterdam Trains



4. Luxembourg

Luxembourg means Lucilinburhc or little fortress. This is when the territory around the castle or the fortress was discovered and ruled by Siegfried I of Ardennes. Today, Luxembourg is ONE of the richest countries in the world. It is also culturally diverse and plays an important role in the United Nations and European politics. These are only a handful of reasons as to why it is one of the Best 5 Best day trips from Brussels

It only takes 2.5 hours from Brussels to get there. Once you hop off the train, head to the capital of the Grand Duchy and begin your tour with exploring the Kirchberg quarter and its many important buildings such as the European Court of Justice, and the European Commission. Marvel at the Notre Dame Cathedral, a landmark that perfectly combines the late Gothic architecture with Renaissance adornments. Continue with wandering around the charming streets. Do not miss catching a glimpse of the Palace of the Grand Duke and the city fortifications.

Antwerp to Luxembourg Trains

Brussels to Luxembourg Trains

Metz to Luxembourg Trains

Paris to Luxembourg Trains

Luxembourg is one of the Best day trips from Brussels


5. Best Day Trips From Brussels: Ypres

123 kilometers of beautiful scenery lies between Belgiums capital and this interesting place. However, you should also be prepared to visit many somber places too. Ypres played an important role in the First World War and saw the loss of a generation of soldiers during the fierce battles that took place here and in the surrounding areas.

Like many Belgian cities, the market square contains an impressive array of architecture. This is also because a lot of the medieval architecture remains have been restored. On a happier note, if you are a foodie, then you will enjoy the traditional Flemish cuisine and of course, beer. 

No matter what you do in the city of Ypres. Your thoughts will not be far from the devastation and loss of World War 1.

Brussels to Antwerp Trains

Amsterdam to Antwerp Trains

Lille to Antwerp Trains

Paris to Antwerp Trains

Ypres Leper Belgium


Ready to explore beyond Brussels? Yes? Save A Train can get you there, with no hidden fees and a smooth and seamless booking process. Easy! 



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The Need For Travel Medical Insurance

An exciting part of traveling abroad is the unpredictability of the experience. When you travel to a foreign land, you will be exposed to different cultures, settings, and experiences. Even if you do some research, you are sure to be taken by surprise by some of what you find. Unfortunately, not all of the surprises you encounter may be good ones, and just because you are on vacation does not mean you are immune to harm.

You may not want to believe that these misfortunes could happen to you, but you need to be prepared for the possibility that you, or a loved one, will require medical attention while far from home. Whether it is as simple as chipping your tooth, spraining your ankle, coming down with a fever or having a heart attack, receiving the medical treatment you need might not be as easy as it would be in the United States.

That is because most traditional health insurance plans do not extend coverage beyond what happens on American soil. This means you could be on the hook for thousands of dollars in medical costs for the care you receive overseas. This is why no traveler should be without travel medical insurance. These specialized plans will go where your domestic coverage will not, ensuring that you will be able to enjoy your trip without worrying about the unpredictable happening.

For more information about travel medical insurance and why you should think about getting it, see the guide contained below.


Why Is Travel Medical Insurance A Good Idea?

• Traveling to a foreign country can introduce numerous health hazards. For example, water quality may not be the same, leading to serious infections. Different climates may strain your pre-existing conditions, such as heart disease or allergies, leaving you ill-equipped to handle the situation.

• Even if you already have health insurance, it might not cover you outside the United States. This means any illnesses or injuries you experience while traveling abroad could result in extremely high medical bills.

• If you are visiting a remote part of the world and require immediate medical attention, you may need to be evacuated to a hospital. Without proper insurance coverage, this can cost tens of thousands of dollars on top of any other related expenses.

• In some circumstances, you may be required to have travel health insurance for the duration of your trip. For example, visitors to Russia, Cuba, and nations in the Schengen Area of the EU must prove they have coverage.

• Even though travel health coverage can be extremely valuable, it typically accounts for less than 10 percent of all travel insurance products purchased by travelers, while being relatively inexpensive.


Brussels to Amsterdam Trains

London to Amsterdam Trains

Berlin to Amsterdam Trains

Paris to Amsterdam Trains


How Travel Medical Insurance Protects You

• Travel medical insurance differs from standard travel insurance policies primarily in that it does not provide coverage for costs related to cancellations, delays or interruptions.

• With travel medical insurance, you can have coverage in the event of an unexpected health emergency. These can range from a broken tooth or bout of food poisoning to life-threatening injuries and heart attacks.

• One of the primary benefits of these policies is that they provide you with 24/7 multilingual support to help you coordinate with health care staff in a foreign country.

• These policies typically provide coverage for what is generally considered key medical expenses. These include emergency room visits, evacuation services and transportation costs incurred to reach an appropriate medical facility.

• The most common plans cover a single trip, but they also can be purchased to cover periods as long as 12 months. Long-term medical coverage for those who travel frequently or for extended periods also can be bought in monthly increments.


Amsterdam To London Trains

Paris to London Trains

Berlin to London Trains

Brussels to London Trains


Ready to start reviewing your options? Book a train ticket now while the warm weather lasts, with the help of Save A Train!


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Download here the PDF for this article which was provided to Save A Train by Senior Services of Illinois

Iconic Churches And Monasteries In Europe

Europe is famous for its architectural and historical monasteries which have historical importance in the world.


Noravank, Vayots Dzor Province (Armenia)

Noravank is one of the most historical and iconic monastery complexes in Vayots Dzor province. The church is surrounded with sharp red rocks, and the dramatic scenery is one of the best reasons to explore Armenia. The historical Noravank was built in the 13th century and means “New Monastery” in Armenian. The monastery became a cultural and educational center of Armenia.


Tatev Monastery, Syunik Province (Armenia)

Tatev is one of the jewels of Armenian architecture. The monastery was constructed in the 9th-13th century it was an educational center and has historical significance for Armenian history. The name of the monastery has an interesting origin. There is a nice and touchy legend about the master who constructed the monastery. He was eager to see his masterpiece from the sky and wishing to have wings asked God to give him wings.

God listened to his prayers and gave him desirable wings. The word “Tatev” is translated as “giving wings”. Once you visit the monastery you will feel the real meaning. The monastery is surrounded by deep gorges from all sides.   The Armenian Church played a significant role in Armenians religion and culture. Ant type of Armenian regional tour will give you the opportunity to explore the oldest country.


Sagrada Familia, Barcelona (Spain

Sagrada Familia is the most visited iconic church in Spain. Construction of the monument officially started in 1882. Architect Francisco de Paula del Villar designed in a classic Gothic style.  But, in 1883 Antoni Gaudi changed project and build modern architecture which is famous in the world. Construction could be completed in 2026, for the centenary of Antoni Gaudi’s death.

The architect had planned to build 12 towers, dedicated to Jesus Christ and Disciples, one to mother of Jesus, four to commemorate the Evangelists. Currently, have completed eight towers. Inside the church, Gaudi designed the columns in a shape of slim tree trunks which make forest style. From the top of the temple, you can see impressive views of the city.  


Borgund Stave, Borgund (Norway)

Stave church is the most awesome landmarks in Norway. It is constructed in 1180 and is dedicated to the Apostle Andrew. This type of churches are the most important iconic monuments to Norway architecture. Some of its delicate attributes are the extravagantly carved portals and the crosses and carvings of dragon’s heads on the roofs. This style was spread in Scandinavia and used in Britain too.

The area is surrounded with rich historic heritage. Vindhellavegen has located near the church and suggests beautiful walking possibilities. This historic road was awarded “Norway’s most beautiful path“ by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in 2014.


Duomo, Milan (Italy)

Duomo is situated in the northern part of Milan, this largest cathedral is one of the most awesome and attractive structures in the world. The Lord and Archbishop of Milan desire to build unique Cathedral that would make the nation to feel the glory of God and city connection. For the construction of Duomo involved constructors, artisans, and craftsmen from across Europe. Each worker’s experience and diligence helped to create International Gothic Duomo.  

This style is characterized by height and dramatic decoration. Around the structure are over 3400 statues, 135 gargoyles, and 700 marble figures that characterize Duomo. From highest peak, where you can climb the stairs or take the lift, you will see the handsome Madonnia, golden representation statue of Mary and on clear days can enjoy breathtaking views of Milan.

Genoa to Milan Trains

Rome to Milan Trains

Bologna to Milan Trains

Verona to Milan Trains



Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik (Iceland)

Hallgrímskirkja church is the highest and largest building in Reykjavik and visible throughout the city. The church has 74,5 meters high and the tourists can enter the church and enjoy the monumental view. The building’s construction started in 1945 and completed in 1986. The modernist church was similar the basalt lava flows when lava cools into the rock. 


The pipes are remote from four manuals and a pedal. There are  102 ranks, 72 stops, and 5275 pipes and is 15 meters tall, weighs over 25 tones. The building is powerful and capable of filling the holy and huge space. The construction of the organ was finished in 1992 and has been used for a variety of recordings.


Are you ready to see some Iconic Churches And Monasteries In Europe? You can get to all of these destinations easily with the help of Save A Train ! With no hidden extra fees, you’ll have more to spend on awesome rides and good times!


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Best Museums In Europe And Where To Find Them?

If you’re wondering where to find the best museums in Europe, we have you covered! Whether it is art, national or natural history, the museums from our list won’t fail to amaze you.

What’s more, you can reach all these destinations by train if you’re looking for affordable means of travel. Let’s have a closer look at the best museums in Europe and where to find them:


Louvre Museum, Paris, France

The Louvre might be one of the most famous museums in Europe and the world. It is the largest, covering the area of 72,735 meters squared. This fantastic museum is home to more than 35,000 items and is one of the landmarks of Paris. You have to visit it if you travel to Paris by train!

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNjuSMSy9MU” autoplay=”yes” mute=”yes”]


Venaria Reale, Turin, Italy

The name of this palace comes from the Latin Venatio Regia, meaning “royal hunt”. In the 17th and 18th century, it was a base for the hunting expeditions of Duke Charles Emmanuel II. Now the palace enchants modern visitors with its Baroque-style beauty. You can’t miss it if you find yourself in Turin.


The Museum by the Stream, Antwerp, Belgium

The Museum by the Stream in Antwerp is one of the Best Museums in Europe


The Museum by the Stream or MAS is the biggest museum in Antwerp. If you’re looking for a panoramic view, there’s free access to the rooftop of the museum. The complex of MAS also has a restaurant and a cafe below it. The museum itself is lovely and worth a visit if you are in Antwerp.


Bijbels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Another museum in the Netherlands, the Bijbels museum is located in Amsterdam. It’s one of the best museums in Europe if you want to learn more about the Bible. Visiting Bijbels helps understand the significance and impact of the Bible on Dutch society. It’s undoubtedly a unique museum, well-suited for those who love religious history.

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4waWi68wEI” autoplay=”yes” mute=”yes”]


Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria

Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna Austria

Kunsthistorisches Museum is the best-known art museum in Austria, also known as the Museum of Fine Arts. Some of its most famous displays include the works of Rembrandt, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Rubens. It has been amazing the art lovers with gorgeous art since its opening in 1891. Anyone visiting Vienna by train should make arrangements to see Kunsthistorisches museum.


MACHmit Children’s Museum, Berlin, Germany

For travelers with kids, it doesn’t get any better than the MACHmit Children’s Museum in Germany. If you find yourself in Berlin, make sure to check out MACHmit and its variety of attractions. They’re suitable for adults as well, with many exciting activities such as an art laboratory, print workshop, and climbing labyrinth.

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zsFebB0mB8″ autoplay=”yes” mute=”yes”]


Skansen Open-Air Museum, Stockholm, Sweden

Skansen open-air museum was the first of its kind in Sweden. It opened in 1891 and has grown to be the most famous museum in Stockholm. A gorgeous view from Royal Djurgarden is the bonus to visiting Skansen. And for those who love seeing Scandinavia-native animals, there’s a zoo that displays them.

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0wRme2HT9I” autoplay=”yes” mute=”yes”]


The best museums in Europe are waiting for you. If you’re ready to go, book your train tickets now and enjoy the ride!



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